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//SCHOOL// University of Amsterdam


University of Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹大學

阿姆斯特丹大學成立於1632年,坐落在荷蘭首都阿姆斯特丹市中心。阿姆斯特丹大學是歷史悠久的著名世界百強學府,也是歐洲最大的綜合性大學之一,擁有眾多國際學生交流項目和優良的國際聲譽。它同時是Universitas 21大學聯盟、歐洲大學協會、歐洲研究型大學聯盟與歐洲首都大學聯盟成員之一。

The University of Amsterdam is a modern university with a rich history, providing a high-quality education inspiring surroundings

With over 30,000 students, 5,000 staff, from more than 100 nationalities, it is one of the largest comprehensive universities in Europe.

Research based university


The University is a world class center for research and teaching, and is committed to helping students think in an original, independent and academic way.

Over the past decade, the UvA has received over 100 grants from the European Research Council, more than any other Dutch university, and over 400 grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research.

As a research university, UvA's study programs have a strong theoretical focus and prepare students for research. Every student at the UvA will have the opportunity to learn from, and conduct, research.

Comprehensive university

The UvA is the largest university in the Netherlands, both in terms of student number and choice of study programs. UvA offers dozens of different Bachelor’s programs and hundreds of Master’s, including Research Master’s, Dual Master’s and Executive Master’s programs, in a wide range of fields. Students can choose from the humanities, social and behavioural sciences, medical, physical and biological sciences, and interdisciplinary fields such as logic and computation, digital humanities and future planet studies.


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