Resource From WESLI

* Classes are IN-PERSON for 2022. Some online-only options may be available for students outside the US.
2022 START DATES 開始日期: 7/2,8/29,9/26,10/24,11/21
* ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Students must be at least 17 years old to study English at WESLI. (Students younger than 17 can be accommodated only in some circumstances; please contact them about your specific situation.)
*入學要求:學生必須年滿17歲。 (17歲以下的學生只能在某些情況下被允許;請聯繫他們了解您的具體情況。)
WESLI has 7 levels of English and many programs to help you achieve your personal and professional goals. After you take a placement test to find your level, they will make a class schedule that best fits your English level and future goals.
WESLI學院有7個等級的英語和許多課程,可幫助您實現個人和專業目標。 在進行能力分級測試之後,他們將安排最適合您英語水平和未來目標的課程時間表。
To meet your English goals, WESLI offers 5 ESL Programs. Each course is a combination of Core Classes and Electives. Whether you are studying English for personal reasons, MBA preparation, or for your career, WESLI has courses for you!
為了實現您的英語目標,WESLI 提供5個 ESL 課程。每門課程結合了核心課程和選修課程。無論您是出於個人原因、MBA準備,還是為了您的職業而學習英語,WESLI 都有適合您的課程。
General English – for students who want to improve English abilities for personal goals
普通英語課 程針對想提高英語能力以實現個人目標的學生。本課程專為零基礎或初學者 設計。
* Classes are IN-PERSON for 2022. * 2022年為實體課程
English Plus – for students who want to improve English abilities but also study another topic of interest - topics range from Yoga or Tourism to Beer or Photography!
English Plus課程 適合想要提高英語能力同時想學習其他興趣的學生,主題範圍從瑜伽、旅游、啤酒到攝影。
* Classes are both IN-PERSON and ONLINE for 2022.
* 2022年為實體課程以及線上課程
Academic Preparation – for students who want to attend US or other English-speaking universities or colleges. Also see WESLI's University Pathway!
學術準備 適合想就讀美國或其他英語大學及學院的學生。另請參閱 WESLI 的大學銜接課程。
* Classes are IN-PERSON for 2022. * 2022年為實體課程
TOEFL/IELTS Preparation – for students seeking to improve test scores
托福/雅思備考 為尋求提高考試成績的學生而設。該計劃涵蓋全長考試模擬、協助報名考試和所有考試領域的特定培訓。
*Classes are IN-PERSON for 2022. * 2022年為實體課程
Business/Professional English – for students working in businesses or other professions, such as lawyers, doctors, journalists, scientists, politicians and teachers
商務/專業英語 給在企業或其他職業工作的學生,例如律師、醫生、記者、科學家、政治家和教師。
*Classes are IN-PERSON for 2022. * 2022年為實體課程
Junior Summer + Winter Camps - for students in high school wanting to experience Midwest American culture in an authentic setting in all seasons
初中夏令營+冬令營 適合想要在四季體驗美國中西部文化的高中生。
Private Classes – for students who want one-on-one tutoring instead of or in addition to classes. WESLI Tutoring provides a customized curriculum taught by experienced teachers. With flexible scheduling (1-10 hours/week, available all year), you will receive undivided attention to help you reach your goals quickly.
私人輔導課程 適合需要一對一輔導或課外輔導的學生。 WESLI Tutoring 提供由經驗豐富的教師與教授的定制課程。通過彈性的日程安排(每週 1-10 小時,全年可用),您將可以全神貫注,幫助您快速實現目標。
*Classes are IN-PERSON for 2022. * 2022年為實體課程
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