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//SCHOOL// Cascadia College- Earth Week2020 from April20th - 26th

During this time of unrest and uncertainty with COVID-19, we are forced to cancel all in-person Earth Week events. But you can be sure we aren't going to just skip celebrating our earth with you all; so we are going virtual!

Earth Week 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. We have come so far since the first Earth Day celebration, and we want to recognize these successes, and determine where we will go from here. We are in

A special thank you to our sponsors the UW Bothell Diversity Center, UW Bothell/Cascadia College Library, City of Bothell, UW Bothell School of Nursing and Health Studies, 350 Eastside

About Earth Week 2020

Earth Week in the past

Earth Week has always been a yearly celebration for UW Bothell/Cascadia College, and in 2017, we joined forces to combine our efforts and create a week packed with awesome events. We formed an Earth Week Planning Committee, made up of students, staff, and faculty from various groups on campus, divided and conquered.

Earth Week 2020

We are in this together.

COVID-19 has brought a great deal of uncertainty and unease within our community; people are facing many difficult situations and hard times. But with that, we are seeing a community coming together to help one another, make it through, heal, share resources, and look out for each other. That's what sustainability is about.

Sustainability is about going back to a time where you could ask your neighbor for sugar when you are out, or to offer your neighbor some of your resources because theirs are depleted. To share in a meal (even at a six-foot distance) and have enriching conversations with those around you.

We notice our community making their own DIY hand sanitizers and disinfectants due to a scarcity of this resource. We see people sewing masks for medical workers who are in short supply of the protective equipment they need to do their job. People are supporting our local economy and realizing the value of the small businesses that are struggling to make it through. People are sharing in game nights with their families at home, and walking instead of driving. They are happy to talk with their co-workers over a video call, because they realize the value of these interactions.

So at this time, let us break away from the times of the past, and create that "new normal" that everyone keeps referring to. A "new normal" where we realize that the most important things in life are people, not things. A new normal where we go for a walk, not because we are quarantined in the house all day, but because we realize the beauty of our earth and want to experience what it has to offer. Let us bookmark this time of great change and remember how our community banded together when we were in peril; and take that forward into our new version of normal.


Event Calendar:

** Signifies Registration Required

Month Long Events

  • EcoChallenge Sign-up **

  • Earth Day Book Club ** - Let’s create a community around hope and sustainability with our first ever book club! We will start the book following our opening book club virtual meet-up during Earth Week, then we will have a virtual meet-up in May to talk about the book. This year’s book is Active Hope - How to face the mess we’re in without going crazy; all UW Bothell/Cascadia College students, staff, and faculty with an ID card get a free electronic copy of the book!

April 20, 2020

DIY Gardening Workshop - Stuck at home with time to spare? Join us live to learn how to start your own DIY garden from your own backyard!

Virtual Wetland Tour - Let us take you on a virtual tour of our wetland while we describe its rich history and ecology.

April 21, 2020

Kids Movie Party - "If I Were An Animal Episode 9: If I Were A Humpback Whale" - Build community among our kids while watching Emma and her big brother Tim observe different animals as they make their way through various life milestones, from birth to adulthood. Grab your favorite healthy snack and meet us on the couch for a whale of a good time!

UW Recycling Trash Talk - Join UW Recycling for a video watch party and Q&A opportunity on proper recycling and composting practices at UW and at home in the Seattle area.

Healthy, Sustainable Menstrual Cycle Talk – Learn about options for having a healthier, more sustainable (and cheaper!) period! Ask those tricky questions that you are nervous about, and squash your fears around changing your routine.

April 22, 2020

Zoom Zoom to Connect - Earth Day ** (UW Bothell/Cascadia College Staff and Faculty Only) - Let's celebrate Earth Day together!

  • Time: 2:00-3:00pm

  • Zoom Call: Link in staff and faculty email from HR

CRISIS (CRISIS: Creating Resilience In Social Isolation Solidarity) Art Gallery Launch - In response to COVID-19 and in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the Sustainable Student Action Club in partnership with 350 Seattle are launching an open call for artwork around the themes of our planet, mental health, rising pandemics, social justice, and wellness to be highlighted in this virtual, collective art gallery. We are accepting drawings, music recordings, paintings, animations, graphics, poetry, spoken word, photography, video performances, etc to be in our online gallery of community creations during this unprecedented time in history. The gallery website will be going live on Earth Day, April 22nd.

  • Artwork Submissions:

Seattle U Earth Talks - Students, faculty, and community partners will present short 5-min talks about environmental justice and sustainability research, service and activism.

  • Time: Two sessions - 11:00-12:00pm & 2:00-3:15pm

  • For more info and a Zoom link, please visit the event webpage.

Happiness and Sustainability 24 Hour Webinar ** - Explore the UN Sustainable Development Goals through the lens of well-being and happiness durig this around the clock 24-hour webinar event on Earth Day. Learn about solutions being developed in our region, engage with experts around the globe, and celebrate happiness and well-being with your fellow global citizens.

April 23, 2020

Book Club: Active Hope (1st Meet-up) ** - Let’s create a community around hope and sustainability with our first ever book club! We will start the book following our opening book club virtual meet-up during Earth Week, then we will have a virtual meet-up in May to talk about the book. This year’s book is Active Hope - How to face the mess we’re in without going crazy; all UW Bothell/Cascadia College students, staff, and faculty with an ID card get a free electronic copy of the book!

Movie Watching Party - "Minimalism: A Movie About Important Things" - Explore how our lives might be better with less while watching this movie with us, exploring minimalism through the lives of minimalists from all walks of life -- families, entrepreneurs, architects, artists, journalists, scientists, and even a former Wall Street broker -- all of whom are striving to live a meaningful life with less. Grab your popcorn and pull up a couch cushion!

5 Elements Yoga Class - Join us live for this all-levels vinyasa flow class from the comfort of your own home. Earth Week is about wellness, not only for the earth, but also for ourselves.

April 24, 2020

Movie Watching Party - "Waterschool" - Join us to watch "Waterschool", and movie about six girls living along the Amazon, Nile, Mississippi, Danube, Ganges, and Yangtze rivers who learn about water and sustainability and use their newfound education to protect their communities and homes.

April 29, 2020

WAHESC Digital Earth Day Seminars - This set of seminars is hosted by the coalition of Washington State Higher Education Institutions, to bring environmental and sustainability topics to focus on climate change to our entire state in celebration of Earth Day, while showing solidarity and sharing ideas across our state. This years' topic is Taking Action for Climate Change Solutions.

  • Time: 1:00-3:00pm

  • Zoom [link to come]

Post Earth Week Events

Wellness Fest

May 18 - Mental Health

May 19 - Physical Health

May 20 - Social Health

May 21 - Lifestyle Health


A special thank you to our sponsors

We would like to give a special thank you to our sponsors and partners for Earth Week 2020, including:

  • UW Bothell Diversity Center

  • UW Bothell/Cascadia College Library

  • City of Bothell

  • UW Bothell School of Nursing and Health Studies

  • 350 Eastside



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