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英語教師認證Cambridge CELTA是最受歡迎的教學資格認證考試之一,享有極高的國際聲譽並且培訓學生擁有全球通用的英語教學技能。CELTA受到全球聘請英語教師組織機構的認可。對於沒有正式教學資格證明的新教師,CELTA是進入英語教學領域的首要資格認證。

The Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) is the most widely recognized qualification for those entering the field of teaching English as a foreign language. It is recognized by language schools around the world. This qualification provides the skills needed to begin a career teaching English as a foreign language.


  • 學習者和教師,教與學的背景關係

  • 語言分析和語言意識

  • 語言技能: 聽、說、讀、寫

  • 備課及使用不同的教學資源

  • 教學技能與職業發展

There are five main units of learning:

  • Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context

  • Language analysis and awareness

  • Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing

  • Planning and resources for different contexts

  • Developing teaching skills and professionalism


  1. 教學實踐: 考生要完成六小時的教學任務,分別教授兩種不同語言級別的班級。考核成績取絕於考生在六個小時內的教學表現。

  2. 教學報告: 考生需完成四篇報告: 成人學習、英語語言系統、語言技能和課堂教學。

You will be assessed throughout the course, with no final examination. An external assessor, appointed by Cambridge English, moderates each course. There are two components of assessment:

  1. Teaching practice The course is very practical in nature with a heavy emphasis placed on performance in observed and assessed teaching practice sessions. Candidates teach six hours of assessed lessons over eight to nine lessons. Teaching practice is completed at two different levels with candidates teaching volunteer groups of students. Assessment is based on overall performance at the end of the 6 hours.

  2. Written assignments There are four written assignments with a total word count of 3000 words: one focusing on adult learning; one on the language system of English; one on language skills; and one on classroom teaching.


Cambridge CELTA Course

This course ideally suits people who:

  • have a standard of education equivalent to that required for entry into higher education

  • are 20 or over

  • have a standard of English which will enable you to teach at a range of levels

2019 Dates:


Full-time: 4 weeks (Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm)

Part-time: 10 weeks (Monday 5 - 8pm, Tuesday and Thursday 5 - 9pm and three Saturdays 9am - 4pm)



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