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Online Business School


Resource From Online Business School



Online Business School為來自世界各地的學習者提供在線大學銜接課程,並提供完整的大學本科和研究生文憑。學習者可以在校園內或通過遠程學習,快速獲得英國大學資格。

The Online Business School delivers online university pathway programmes with full Undergraduate and Postgraduate Diploma Awards to learners from all corners of the world. Learners can fast track their way through to a UK University Qualification on campus or by distance learning.

他們基於網頁上的課程單元讓學生能夠了解他們想要什麼、何時想要以及如何想要,目的在於促進更快、更實惠且更有吸引力的學習方式。憑藉著24小時全天候的學生網絡平台、個人積分、1-2-1 (One student to one teacher at a time)線上課程、網絡研討會和預先錄製的網絡廣播教學課程,為學生提供發展成功所需的專業技巧基礎並取得大學資格證明。

Flexible payment options 靈活的付款方式students to learn what they want, when they want and how they want and have been designed to facilitate a much faster, more affordable and engaging way to learn. With a 24/7 student networking platform, personal dashboards, 1-2-1 online tutorials, group webinars and bank of pre-recorded group webcasts, the Online Business School provides students with all the supey need to succeed in developing their professional skill base and achieve a university qualification.

  • University pathway programmes大學銜接課程

  • Professional body membership included 包括專業團體會員資格

  • Free professional development resources 免費的專業發展資源 ( They currently have 8 support Hubs: Wellness, Career, Buddy, Resource, Study, Personal Development, Discount & Fitness) (目前有 8 個中心:健康、職業、夥伴、資源、學習、個人發展、折扣和健身)

  • 24/7 connection. Anytime, anywhere, any device 24/7(每週7天,每天24小時網路開啟) 全天候連接。隨時隨地,任何設備

  • Tutor & mentor support structure 私人輔導和顧問支持體系

  • Flexible payment options 靈活的付款方式

證書 Credentials

Online Business School按照最高學術標準運作,並擁有多種結構,以確保向學生提供的教育標準是最高質量的。

Online Business School operates to the highest academic standards and has multiple structures in place that ensure the standard of education provided to its students is of the highest quality.

OFQUAL認可的合作夥伴 OFQUAL Recognised Partnerships

All learning materials are designed and written by professional academic authors so that each interactive module is aligned against specific learning criteria specified by OFQUAL. The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation regulates qualifications, examinations and assessments in England. Online Business School works with OFQUAL recognised Awarding Organisations for the verification of our programmes. These standards ensure those that learn with us receive a high quality education along with certification that is recognised universally by Universities and employers.

所有學習教材均由專業的學術作者設計及編寫,因此每個互動式大學課程單元都符合 OFQUAL 指定的特定學習標準。Online Business School與 OFQUAL 認可的頒發證書組織合作,以證明他們的課程。這些標準確保與他們一起學習的人獲得高質量的教育以及大學和雇主普遍認可的認證。

合作大學資格認證 Partner University Qualifications

完成最後作業後,學生將獲得認可的文憑資格。該文憑可用於在校園內或通過遠程學習在多所英國大學攻讀完整的本科學位或 MBA 學位。

On completion of the final assignments, students are awarded a recognised Diploma qualification. This Diploma can be used to top up to a full undergraduate degree or MBA at a variety of UK universities, either on campus or by distance learning.

品質監督委員會Quality Monitoring Board

Online Business School還設有質量監督委員會 (QMB),以確保他們始終提供經認可的線課上程和資源,以滿足您的學習需求。

Online Business School also operates a Quality Monitoring Board (QMB) to ensure that we are always delivering accredited online courses and resources to meet your learning needs.

無論您是想提高技能、增加就業機會還是進一步提升專業資格,Online Business School都有適合您的各種遠程學習課程。
Whether you want to improve your skills, increase your chances of employment or further your professional qualifications, Online Business School has a variety of distance learning courses to suit you.

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