Cavilam Vichy 卡維蘭維希法語學習中心

維希 Vichy
– 學習法語的理想之地。
CAVILAM – Alliance Française
(法盟 – 現代語言視聽教學中心) 毗鄰維希市中心,環境優越。占地9000平方公尺,設備先進,在舒適優雅的現代空間內,為學生和實習生提供優質教學。
也會定期與France’s Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Institut Français, the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, French cultural services abroad, TV5 MONDE, Radio France International and Canal Académie等多家媒體合作。

CAVILAM – Alliance Française aims to provide knowledge of French and an understanding of French society.
CAVILAM-Alliance française draws on the latest methodological innovations as part of a communicative, action-oriented approach to teaching that combines:
Intensive learning through a variety of activities
Techniques to promote the acquisition of communication skills
Rewarding intercultural exchanges

Something to be proud of!
