ONCAMPUS London South Bank will offer an Integrated CAS route and non-Integrated CAS route for its Undergraduate Foundation Programme (UFP) in Business for March 2021.

Available Progression Degrees
Students may progress[1] from the UFP in Business onto the range of degrees specified below
at London South Bank University.

[1] subject to achieving the specfied progression criteria
An Integrated CAS grants students one visa for the complete duration of their studies (Foundation year, plus three years of degree study). The Integrated CAS is issued at RQF Level 6 and has an English requirement of CEFR B2.
ONCAMPUS is proud to work in partnership with London South Bank University (LSBU) to offer high-quality university preparation programmes for international students on the University campus.
For more than 120 years, LSBU has focused on providing professional opportunities for students with potential from any background and helping them achieve career success.
Our programmes at ONCAMPUS London South Bank are designed for international students who do not meet the requirements for direct entry to LSBU to study. You will benefit from the support we offer in preparing you to progress to the University.

Living in London South Bank - Accommodation
University accommodation

Your home at university is a place to live, study, relax, meet new friends and socialise.
London South Bank University has 1,400 single study-bedrooms located across four residential buildings, offering a variety of standard and en-suite accommodation. The rent is among the cheapest in London and includes the cost of hot water, heating and lighting. Prices range from £130-£213 per week.
Take a look at the halls of residence at lsbu.ac.uk/accommodation/residences
Private halls of residence
We also work with private accommodation providers to offer high quality student accommodation.
Under 18 Supplement
Under British Law, anyone under 18 is legally classed as a child and such students often have different needs for welfare and support. ONCAMPUS provides a range of extra tailored services covered by the under 18s supplementary fee, which is automatically added to the student’s account. Students have access to experienced welfare personnel who provide both academic and emotional support before and after arrival, as well as an independent guardian from the professionally-accredited College Guardians initiative.

Student Cover
It’s essential for international students to take out adequate insurance while studying. ‘Student Cover’ has been created in partnership with Endsleigh, the UK’s largest student insurance provider. With both standard and premium options, Student Cover is specifically designed to meet your needs while studying with us – from the time you set off to the moment you arrive back home.

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