Resource From University of Washington

學校類別School Type:大學附設語言中心 Public Research University
校區Location:美國華盛頓西雅圖 Seattle, Washington, United States
班級人數 Class Size:12-18
課程Courses:密集英語課程Intensive English、短期英語課程Short Term English Program (STEP)、國際商業證書課程Global Business Certificate Program、研究生預備課程Graduate School Preparation Program
學校網頁 School Website:
華盛頓大學語言中心(UW IELP)為希望提高英語技能的學生提供各種課程。學術英語課程(AEP)提供文法、詞彙、講座聽力和學術寫作方面的課程。這些課程是為該大學的預科研究生和本科生設計的。學術英語課程還提供一門課程,為國際研究生在華盛頓大學擔任助教做準備。
The University of Washington International & English Language Programs (UW IELP) offers a wide variety of courses for students who want to improve their English skills. The Academic English Program (AEP) offers courses in grammar, vocabulary, lecture listening, and academic writing. These courses are designed for matriculated graduate and undergraduate students at the University. The AEP also offers a course to prepare international graduate students to be teaching assistants at the University of Washington.
強化英語課程 (IEP) 提供從初學者到高級的六個級別的教學課程,包括語法、閱讀、寫作和聽力課程,以及會話、發音、托福準備和詞彙方面的選修課程。這些非學分課程專為未入學的學生設計,對任何人開放。
The Intensive English Program (IEP) offers six levels of instruction from beginner to advanced with courses in grammar, reading, writing, and listening along with elective courses in conversation, pronunciation, TOEFL preparation, and vocabulary. These non-credit courses are designed for non-matriculated students, but are open to anyone.
The Short Programs improve your English in one or more weeks! You'll expand your knowledge in an academic or professional topic and get a taste of American culture outside the classroom. The Short Programs offers Language & Culture, Academic Skills, Business, Science, Technology & Engineering etc. programs.
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